Maps Page on Western Europe


  1. Physical Environment
  2. Weather & Climate
  3. Human Environment
  4. Road maps
  5. City Maps
  6. Urban Transportation Maps
  7. Tourist Maps

1 Physical Environment

Political Map of Western Europe

This is political map of Western Europe. It is useful because it shows clear borders between all the countries and where things are. It also shows the major cities within each country. The main countries of focus for me are France and the Netherlands, but this map includes all of the Western part of Europe.

Political Map of France

This is a political map of France. It is a helpful map because it very simply breaks down the regions of France, of which there are 13. It is done in a very aesthetically pleasing way. It is not something that is too difficult to read, and the colors are useful to break up the regions, as well.

Elevation Map of Europe

This is an elevation map of Europe. It is useful to me to see where the areas of high elevation are in order to prepare for any sort of altitude changes in the environment. Similar to traveling to Denver, I would like to be as prepared as possible for any sort of change in my environment.


2 Weather & Climate

Climate Map of Europe


This is a climate map of Europe. It helps to show all the different potential climates that would be dealt with all throughout Europe. The map is also very easy to read with distinct colors and a nice key. I believe that it is important to know the different climate types of all the areas surrounding a foreign trip just so you can be prepared for anything.

Current Weather in France

This map is an interactive map for the weather in France. Clicking the link will take you to the Weather website in order to be able to use the full map. There are many different options available and it is very intuitive. It also shows many different aspects of the weather showing you all the information you may need.

Current Weather in the Netherlands

This map is an interactive map for the weather in the Netherlands. Clicking the link will take you to the Weather website in order to be able to use the full map. There are many different options available and it is very intuitive. It also shows many different aspects of the weather showing you all the information you may need.

3 Human Environment

Population Density of France


This is a population density map of France. It can be used to see which areas of France are more heavily populated and which may be more rural. Seeing this information helps lead to areas that may be more tourist friendly versus areas that might be more of the less exciting areas.

Population Density and Elevation of the Netherlands

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This is a population density map of the Netherlands, next to a map plotting the low elevation and coastal zones of the country. This map shows that there are a lot more people living on the coasts of the Netherlands and less living in the areas of slightly higher elevation and non-coastal regions. This leads me to believe that the coastal areas will be more interesting to visit.

Income Map of France

This is an income map of France. This map can be used to see which areas of France are low income and which are of higher average (median) income. This is helpful to show which areas may be more tourist friendly as well. In general, a higher income area is going to be more welcoming to tourists, albeit more expensive to stay, but more welcoming nonetheless.

4 Road Maps

Road Map of France


This is a road map of the entire country of France. This shows all the major highway systems and all the big cities, as well as, smaller highways and less important cities.

Road Map of the Netherlands

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This is a road map of the Netherlands. It shows all the expressways, roads, and railroads in the country. It also shows how they intersect with those roads of other neighboring countries. This is beneficial because you are able to see the ways to get around the country as well as make it to another country if you need to.

Map of Toll vs. Free Roads in France

This is a map of all the toll roads of France. The red roads show the toll roads while the blue roads are toll free. This makes driving through an unfamiliar country much simpler, as you do not want to go on a toll road unknowingly. The map is also interactive, so by clicking the link you are able to see different aspects of the map.


5 City Maps

City Map of Paris, France

This is a city map of Paris, France. It shows the roads as well as the different areas of the city.

City Map of Amsterdam, Netherlands

This is a city map of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. This map gives a detailed view of the city of Amsterdam, and it shows a more in depth look of the roads in the city.

City Map of Bordeaux, France

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This is a city map of Bordeaux, France. This map shows the roadways of the city. It also shows the different attractions in the city.


6 Urban Transportation

Public Transportation in Paris, France

This is a map of the public transportation systems in Paris, France. This map displays the different ways to travel around the city of Paris that are available to the public. This is very helpful because it shows how to get around when you may not have a car of your own.

Tram System Map of Amsterdam


This map shows the public transportation systems of Amsterdam. The most popular type of public transportation in the city is the tram system. This map shows all the different areas that you can get around to using the trams.

Public Transportation Map of Toulouse

This is a public transportation map of Toulouse, France. This map shows two different metros, a railway, and the tram system.

7 Tourist Sites

Tourist Sites of Paris, France

This map shows the tourist locations of Paris, France. This map shows off some of the more popular tourist sites in Paris. There is the obvious Eiffel Tower, but there is also many other options that are not typically thought of immediately after thinking of France.

Tourist Attractions in the Netherlands

This is a map of the popular tourist attractions in the Netherlands. This map also has a list on the side of the top ten most popular attractions in the country. I believe the most exciting of all of these is the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.

Places to See Map of France

This is a map of the various places to visit in the entire country of France. The link also shows exactly what is located at each stop as well as days you can plan to stay there and what other things are nearby. This website plans an itinerary for you and is overall very helpful to show where you should visit.


Submitted by Noah DeMaria on February 28, 2019.