Ground Transportation for [France]

Options for traveling within [France] for a 21-day period


  1. Car
  2. Train / Bus / Air
  3. Other Options
  4. Estimate of total ground travel expenses


Renting a car through the Enterprise at the airport in Paris France for the 21-day trip would cost €868.26, which is $971.37.

There is a massive added charge for being a young driver (21) which almost doubles the cost. The young rental charge is €321.12 which is $359.25. This adds a huge amount to the rental car cost.

In addition to the high costs, my travel book states that France has a potentially hazardous “priority to the right” rule, and it is very hard to find places to park.

Train / Bus / Air

My mass transit options are taking the various train systems in France around from city to city. Getting a Eurail pass is the best option as you can use unlimited trains in France for 8 days in a one-month period for only $273. This is what I would need because I would stay in cities for at least two or three days each and I wouldn’t need the train all 21 days, this would allow me to stay in cities for a few days and then hop on a train and go anywhere in the country. “France’s rail network is truly first class, with extensive coverage of the country and frequent departures.” (The World)

Other options

Renting a bike in Paris is very cheap. You are able to rent a city bike for $67 a week and add two weeks for $34 each. This brings the three-week bike rental to $135. This is a very cheap and efficient way to get around in the city. My picture has issues uploading so here is a link to the webpage to rent a bike. “Certain regions beg to be explored on two wheels and have dedicated cycling paths, some along canal towpaths or between orchards and vineyards.” (The World).

Estimate of total ground travel expenses

The total cost of traveling within France for a three-week period is $408 if you use the Eurail pass and the rental bike to get around, but if you use a rental car it would cost $970 plus an additional $200-$300 on gas while there bringing you to close to $1000. The simpler, more efficient, and cheaper method would be the Eurail Pass and a rental bike.


Lonely Planet: The World A Traveler’s Guide to the Planet Second Edition, page 323


Submitted by Noah DeMaria on March 6, 2019.